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AI Content Strategy for Startups: Choosing the Right Tools and Approach

A Quick Look into AI Content Strategy for Startups

The content creation landscape is brimming with opportunities, but for businesses with limited resources, it can feel like trying to climb Mount Everest in sandals. There is a lot of buzz around AI and content marketing, it seems like there is a new AI-powered content creation tool every day. But with so many options, choosing the right one can be as overwhelming as building the content strategy from scratch.

Our guide aims to help you navigate the AI terrain and select the tool that works for your content creation goals, saving you time, money, and sanity. Ensuring you have a solid AI content strategy in place for your startup is critical to success, but there are a lot of changes happening. 

The AI Advantage:

Big businesses is going crazy about AI, and there is a good reason for that. It’s another one of those milestone moments like the microwave or the internet. AI can be used in a number of powerful ways when it comes to content marketing.

  • Target with Precision: Craft content tailored to your specific audience and niche, attracting customers like magnets.
  • Iterate Faster: Generate multiple drafts in minutes, allowing you to experiment and optimize quickly.
  • Understand Customers: AI analyzes vast amounts of data, revealing valuable insights into customer needs and preferences.
  • Create More, Do Less: Spend less time writing and more time strategizing, growing your business.
  • Break Language Barriers: Reach a wider audience with multilingual content creation.

Artificial intelligence content marketing is hardly a set it and forget solution. Human expertise remains crucial in revealing how powerful it can be.

  • Refine & Review: AI outputs need a human touch for accuracy, originality, and brand voice.
  • Craft Compelling Prompts: Your input guides the AI, ensuring content aligns with your vision.
  • Strategize & Oversee: AI assists, but humans still steer the content ship.

Now, let’s explore some AI content tools that can expedite your journey: (formerly Jarvis): The Swiss Army Knife of AI writing, offering versatility and a user-friendly interface. Ideal for: Long-form content, blog posts, copywriting, landing pages. Strengths: Highly versatile, large community, integrates with Surfer SEO for competitor analysis. Weaknesses: High pricing, limited free plan.

Writesonic: The Budget Backpacker, providing affordability and multilingual support. Ideal for: Blog posts, product descriptions, ad copy, social media posts. Strengths: Affordable, multiple languages, various creative formats. Weaknesses: Limited built-in SEO features, basic free plan.

ShortlyAI: The Speedy Sprinter, generating concise content fast. Ideal for: Blog intros, product descriptions, ad copy, social media posts. Strengths: Fast, free plan, Chrome extension. Weaknesses: Limited built-in SEO features, limited long-form capabilities.

Pepper Content: The Data Detective, using AI research and data integration. Ideal for: Blog posts, website content, long-form articles, white papers. Strengths: AI-powered research, data integration, content strategy support. Weaknesses: Custom pricing models, limited data insights in free plan.

Rytr: The Mobile Maestro, offering affordability and a user-friendly app. Ideal for: Blog posts, social media posts, website content. Strengths: Affordable, mobile-friendly app, easy-to-use interface. Weaknesses: Limited built-in SEO features, basic free plan, potential lack of customization. The Brand Voice Magician, tailoring content to your unique voice. Ideal for: Blog posts, social media posts, website content, marketing materials. Strengths: Wide range of tools and templates, brand voice customization, “Improve” feature. Weaknesses: Limited built-in SEO features, higher price point.

Choosing Your Guide:

Remember, the “best” tool depends on your specific needs and budget. Things to consider:

  • Content Type: Do you need long-form articles or short blurbs?
  • Control Level: Do you prefer pre-built templates or fine-tuned customization?
  • SEO Focus: Are built-in SEO features essential, or can you integrate with external tools?
  • Budget: What can you comfortably afford, considering free plans and paid options?

It’s important to remember that there’s no single “best” tool for all businesses, as the ideal choice depends on individual needs and budget. Content marketing and AI are from this point forward going to be forever linked. Considering the specific limitations of a smaller marketing team (5 people or fewer), here’s a ranking prioritized for their suitability:

Top Choices: Ai Content Tools that you should evaluate:

Top Fit:

  1. ShortlyAI: Its free plan and Chrome extension offer immediate accessibility, while its focus on concise content aligns well with smaller teams needing quick solutions for blog intros, ad copy, and social media posts.
  2. Writesonic: Affordability, multiple languages, and diverse creative formats make it a versatile option for budget-conscious teams juggling varied content needs.
  3. Rytr: Similar to ShortlyAI, its affordability, mobile app, and user-friendly interface cater to quick content creation without breaking the bank.


  1. (formerly Jarvis): While powerful and versatile, its high pricing and limited free plan might strain smaller budgets. However, its large community and SEO integration offer valuable resources for growth-oriented teams.
  2. Pepper Content: Their AI research and data integration can be powerful for strategic content planning, but custom pricing models might not be suitable for all small teams.

Lower Fit:

  1. Wide range of tools and brand voice customization are attractive, but limited built-in SEO features and higher price point make it less ideal for smaller teams with SEO focus.


  • This is a general ranking based on assumed priorities for small teams. Test demos and explore free plans to find the best fit for your specific needs.
  • Human expertise remains crucial: Regardless of the tool, editing, fact-checking, and strategic input are essential for successful content creation.
  • Consider SEO integration: Smaller teams might benefit from tools that offer built-in SEO features or easy integration with external SEO tools.
  • Test out demos, explore free plans, and don’t be afraid to consult experts.

AI-powered tools are powerful allies, but human expertise remains the summit flag. By combining technology with strategic direction and careful review, you can conquer the content creation landscape and reach your business goals. We’re happy to help you get started on content the produces better results. Contact us at witOmni and schedule a call today!