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Top 10 AI Marketing Tools for Startups and Small Businesses on a Budget

AI Marketing Tools for Faster Marketing (on a budget)

Just when you thought marketing couldn’t change any faster, enter AI. It can certainly feel overwhelming to keep up with all the ongoing changes. But one thing is for sure, the shift in the way we do business is going to be a transformative one. We’ve created a list of best in class free AI marketing tools to get you on your journey. Artificial intelligence (AI) is here to be your marketing superpower, not your robot overlord (yet).

The Power of AI Marketing for Startups

Imagine an end to repetitive tasks like scheduling social media posts and sifting through mountains of data. The promise of AI marketing tools is that they can personalize experiences for your customers with laser precision, automate those mind-numbing tasks that make you yearn for the simpler days of flip phones (Google it if you’re Gen Z), and optimize campaigns in real-time – all while you focus on the bigger picture. The reality is a bit more nuanced. While we’re not entirely there yet, we’ve begun another cycle of innovation and every day bring news of AI innovations. Companies using AI for marketing seem to be popping up left and right. However, we’re in the trenches and can see where there is true innovation and where there is a half-baked feature that someone in product was forced to turn on so the company can say they have “AI.”

There is a large wave of free and affordable AI marketing tools to try out, specifically designed to help small businesses like yours punch above your weight class in the digital arena. We’ll take a look at the top 10 best AI marketing tools that might be able to help turn your startup’s rickety foray into marketing into a slightly smoother ride…without needing to raid your bitcoin. Let’s take a look at how AI can help you take your marketing from “meh” to “millionaire-maker” and beyond (okay, maybe not millionaire-maker overnight, but you get the idea!).

AI for Startups: Your Marketing Power-Up

With the abundance of free and affordable AI marketing tools, startups and small businesses now have access to the same powerful technology used by industry giants. AI marketing tools can empower you to:

  • Create High-Quality Content Consistently: AI writing assistants can help you overcome writer’s block, generate new content ideas, and even rewrite existing content for better SEO.
  • Personalize Your Marketing Efforts: AI can analyze customer data to personalize your marketing messages and target the right audience with the right content at the right time.
  • Optimize Your Campaigns for Better Results: AI can track campaign performance and provide valuable insights to help you optimize your marketing efforts for maximum ROI.
  • Save Time and Resources: By automating repetitive tasks, AI marketing tools can free up your team’s time to focus on more strategic marketing initiatives.

Top AI Marketing Tools to Supercharge Your Startup’s Growth 

Here is a list of tool considered top in their class:

  1. Jasper (formerly Jarvis):  This powerful AI writing assistant excels at creating various content formats, from blog posts and social media captions to website copy and email newsletters. Jasper uses AI to understand your content needs and generate creative text formats, suggest headlines and intros, and even rewrite existing content. With its affordable paid plans and free trial, Jasper empowers startups to create high-quality content consistently without a large marketing team. This AI marketing tool for small businesses is a great choice for creating high-quality content that saves you time and resources.
  2. Rytr:  Similar to Jasper, Rytr is another excellent AI writing assistant with a user-friendly interface and budget-friendly pricing. It offers a similar range of features like content creation, rewriting existing content, and generating different creative text formats. Rytr leverages AI to analyze your writing style and target audience to suggest improvements, ensuring your content resonates with your readers. Startups and small businesses benefit from Rytr’s ability to streamline content creation, saving valuable time and resources. This is another affordable AI marketing tool that can be a great fit for your small business’s content creation needs.
  3. ShortlyAI:   This AI marketing tool helps summarize long-form content into shorter, engaging pieces perfect for social media posts or quickly grasping the key points of lengthy articles. ShortlyAI uses AI to analyze the structure and key points of lengthy content, then condenses it into a concise and informative summary. Startups can leverage ShortlyAI to repurpose existing content for social media or quickly understand complex topics for content creation. Free AI marketing tools can be a great starting point, but ShortlyAI offers a free plan with limitations and paid options for increased functionality.
  4. Canva Pro:  While not solely AI-powered, Canva Pro is one of the older companies using AI in marketing. It offers a vast library of AI-generated design templates alongside its core graphic design features. This can significantly boost your design efficiency and create professional-looking visuals for your marketing efforts. Canva Pro uses AI to analyze design trends and user preferences to curate a library of high-quality, on-brand templates. Startups and small businesses benefit from the ease of use and affordability of creating professional-looking marketing materials with Canva Pro. This affordable AI marketing tool can be a game-changer for creating high-quality visuals without a design team.
  5. Anyword (Free Trial): Consider exploring Anyword’s free trial to see if it fits your needs. This AI platform helps create and test high-performing marketing copy, using machine learning to analyze your target audience and predict which copy resonates best. Anyword leverages AI to analyze vast amounts of marketing data to predict which ad copy variations will perform best, maximizing campaign ROI for startups and small businesses. Free ai marketing tools are a great way to test the waters, but Anyword’s free trial allows you to see if their advanced  ai marketing tool for small business is a good fit for your needs.
  6. Phrasea (Free Trial):  Similar to Anyword, Phrasea offers a free trial to test its AI-powered copywriting capabilities. It helps craft persuasive and effective marketing copy using techniques like emotional intelligence and sentiment analysis. Phrasea’s AI analyzes your target audience and brand voice to suggest copy that evokes the desired emotions and resonates with your readers. Startups and small businesses benefit from Phrasea’s ability to create compelling marketing copy that drives conversions. This is another affordable ai marketing tool with a free trial to see if its advanced features fit your needs.
  7. Sprout Social (Free Plan):  While the full suite offers advanced features, Sprout Social’s free plan provides basic social media management and limited access to  ai marketing tools like social listening and competitor analysis. This can be a valuable tool to dip your toes into AI-powered social media management. Sprout Social’s free plan allows startups to monitor brand mentions, identify industry trends, and gain valuable insights from competitors, all within their budget. This is a great example of a free ai marketing tool that can add significant value to your social media efforts.
  8. MeetEdgar:  This platform uses AI to discover and automatically publish evergreen content across social media platforms, helping you maintain a consistent presence without constant manual effort. Explore their pricing options to see if it aligns with your budget. MeetEdgar’s AI curates and schedules your social media content, saving startups and small businesses significant time and effort in managing their social media presence. This is a affordable ai marketing tool that can free up your team’s time to focus on other marketing initiatives.
  9. Nudgespot (Free Trial):  Explore Nudgespot’s free trial to see if their AI-powered email personalization features fit your needs. They help personalize subject lines, content, and send times for improved email marketing engagement. Nudgespot’s AI analyzes past email performance data to personalize future email campaigns for improved open rates and click-through rates, maximizing email marketing ROI for startups. Free ai marketing tools are a great way to test the waters of email personalization, and Nudgespot offers a free trial to see if their advanced features are a good fit for your small business.
  10. Mailmodo (Free Plan):  Similar to Nudgespot, Mailmodo offers a free plan with limitations. Their AI-powered email personalization features can enhance email marketing efforts by tailoring content and sending times for better engagement. Mailmodo’s free plan allows startups to personalize subject lines and email content using AI, increasing email engagement and conversions without a significant budget investment. This is a great example of an  affordable ai marketing tool that can add significant value to your email marketing efforts, even with a limited budget.

Let’s Get Started!

Choosing the Right AI Marketing Tool for Your Startup

Remember, the best AI marketing tool for your startup depends on your specific needs and budget. Consider these factors when choosing:

  • Features: What are your top marketing priorities?
  • Ease of Use: Look for user-friendly tools.
  • Integrations: Does it work with your existing tools?
  • Free Trials and Freemium Plans: Test before you buy!

Embrace the Future of Marketing with AI

AI marketing is no longer a luxury for big corporations; it’s an essential tool for any startup or small business looking to compete in the digital age. By leveraging the power of free and affordable AI marketing tools, you can create a winning marketing strategy, reach your target audience more effectively, and achieve your marketing goals without breaking the bank. So, what are you waiting for? Start exploring the exciting world of AI marketing today!

These are a lot of options to choose from. If you’re in need of help with your marketing to turn it into a cost efficient marketing machine, Contact us today and discover how witOmni can help grow you business fast!

AI used for creating this blog: Google Gemini Advanced.